Laureano Solis ︎︎︎ Graphic Developer  ︎︎︎    ABOUT!
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︎︎︎ This is interactive Please Play


Endless Race Over the ASCII World
Interactive 3D scenes coded with love in Babylon.js
Please explore and play with your mouse.

ASCII > standard code, consisting of 128 7-bit combinations, for characters stored in a computer or to be transmitted between computers.

-8 Random Escape Portals. Each of the Portals contains an animated material Driven by a Graphic Shader that changes over time.
- The color combinations were cut up and put into a list.
- Each of the characters moves in back and forth animations in this Interactive 3d Experience.

ONLY AVAILABLE on secondary markets
︎︎︎ Collect  at FX HASH

Click >> Sound ON!
CLick >> Turbo Mode

Gracias  > Thanks!

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